is a package to access data via the API of PIWIK PRO.
PIWIK PRO is a tool to measure traffic of a website. They offer an API for fetching all metrics and dimensions so you can use them in your own program.
This R-Package uses the API to fetch the data from PIWIK PRO using R-code. You get the data as tibble (or as a data.frame). So it’s easy to analyze the data with the whole power of R.
Using devtools
it’s easy to install piwikproR:
Credentials for API, token
First you need to setup an access to the API. See here: [https://developers.piwik.pro/en/latest/platform/getting_started.html#create-api-credentials-and-an-access-token]
Let’s say you put them into a list:
piwik_pro_credentials <- list(
client_id = "my_client_id",
client_secret = "my_client_secret",
url = "https://my_site.piwik.pro"
Using these credential you can fetch a token
token <- get_login_token(piwik_pro_credentials)
## Website id Set the website_id and the date range.
website_id <- 'my_website_id'
start.date <- "2021-04-01"
end.date <- "2021-04-30"
Defining the columns to be fetched
Now we define the columns we want to fetch. Here’s an example:
We want to fetch the date, the url (only the path without the hostname) and the page_views:
columns <- tibble::tribble(
~column, ~transformation,
"timestamp", "",
"event_url", "to_path",
"page_views", "",
## Filters We’re only interested in – let’s say – Desktop requests. So let’s set a filter:
filters <- tibble::tribble(
~column, ~operator, ~value,
"device_type", "eq", 0
filters <- build_filter(filters, "and")
## Fetching the data
query <- build_query(lubridate::ymd(start.date), lubridate::ymd(end.date), website_id,
filters = filters,
columns, max_lines = 0
data <- send_query(query, token, caching = TRUE, fetch_by_day = FALSE)
Metrics and Dimensions Documentation
PIWIK PRO offers a great documentation of all metrics and dimensions starting here [https://developers.piwik.pro/en/latest/custom_reports/index.html]
I’m using unit tests to test my code. But these tests run against a
special website_id whose data is not publicly available. So I put all
those sensitive data into a private package piwikproRTests
If this package is not available all tests are skipped.
If you find a bug or if you have a feature request feel free and open an issue

dfv media group
Thanks to my employer dfv media group for the permission to publish this package as open source.